

Where the Interdisciplinary Arts Align with 学者 and Character

声乐 | 器乐 | 剧院 | 视觉艺术 | 跳舞

我们艺术学院的使命是为学生提供, 在视觉和表演艺术方面有卓越的技能, 一个个人支持和智力挑战的环境,追求他们的兴趣水平,这是专门针对进入学院和大学的艺术课程.

正规靠谱的彩票app提供了一个密集的, 视觉艺术领域的专业前培训, 音乐(声乐和器乐), 剧院, 与舞蹈相结合的是严谨, 大学预备课程. 课程和设施的扩展为我们的学生提供了与艺术专业人士的日常互动和学习, 参与专业导向的制作, 也有空间来最大限度地练习他们的手艺.

艺术类课程每年还要额外支付1250美元的费用 学院.

  • 幻灯片标题

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  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题

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  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题




除了艺术学院申请外,所有学生还必须完成一般在线入学申请和要求. Please only select the area(s) of study that you are interested in auditioning for. 有兴趣申请的学生必须在他们的研究领域有经验,并且必须为音乐试听, 跳舞, and 剧院 programs or submit a portfolio for the visual arts program. 在完成申请要求之后, students will be notified to schedule an audition or portfolio review. 试镜和作品集审查通常在一月份进行.




  • 奖学金的信息

    St. 文森特正规靠谱的彩票app高中很高兴为申请人提供获得学年器乐奖学金的机会. This scholarship will follow the students for the four years they are at Pallotti, 前提是他们符合以下资格要求.

    应用, please complete the following application and submit to the Department of 招生, admissions@detrasdelapiel.com, 2024年1月3日. Please note that an audition will be required for final selection. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an audition to be held on January 27, 2024.


    • Students must participate in an instrumental music ensemble for all four years at Pallotti.
    • 学生必须有2分.5 or higher GPA at the time of application submission and maintain a 2.5 or higherGPA to remain eligible for the scholarship each year.


    • 从记忆到3升3降的大调音阶(C, F, B平, 降E, G, D, A代表你的乐器).
    • 你选择的两段对比音乐, 其中一篇必须达到“2”级或以上(请在试镜时提供额外的音乐副本).
    • 需要实地阅读.


  • 奖学金的信息

    St. Vincent Pallotti高中很高兴为申请人提供获得本学年声乐奖学金的机会. This scholarship will follow the student for the four years they are at Pallotti, 前提是他们符合以下资格要求.

    应用, please complete the following application and submit to the Office of 招生, admissions@detrasdelapiel.com, 2024年1月3日. Please note that an audition will be required for final selection. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an audition to be held on January 27, 2024.


    • Students must participate in Chorus for all four years at Pallotti.
    • 学生必须有2分.5 or higher GPA at the time of application submission and maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA toremain eligible for the scholarship each year.


    潜在的学生应该准备好唱《正规靠谱的彩票app》. During the audition individuals will be asked to participate in the following:

    • Vocal Exercises to determine range as well as pitch matching ability.
    • Melodic and rhythmic accuracy will be assessed in singing “Silent Night.”
    • 简短的姿势和呼吸指导.
    • 采访内容包括分享表演经验和对未来歌手的期望.
    • 可选:除《正规靠谱的彩票app》外,学生可准备另一首歌曲(请自带音乐)。.


  • 奖学金的信息

    St. Vincent Pallotti高中很高兴为艺术学院的申请者提供获得本学年视觉艺术奖学金的机会. This scholarship will follow the students for the four years they are at Pallotti, 前提是他们符合以下资格要求. 

    应用, please complete the following application and submit to the Office of 招生, admissions@detrasdelapiel.com, 2024年1月3日. Please note that the portfolio is to be sent to the admissions office by January 22, 2024. 它可以通过一个链接或多张照片通过电子邮件发送. 符合条件的申请人将被联系并安排在2024年1月27日进行面试.


    • Students must be enrolled in the Department of 视觉艺术 for all four years at Pallotti.
    • 学生必须在视觉艺术系的所有课程中保持“B”或更高的平均成绩.
    • 学生必须有2分.5 or higher GPA at the time of application submission and maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA to remain eligible for the scholarship each year.
    • 在我们的网站上提交艺术学院申请.


    • 提交至少十(10)件艺术品供审查. 这可以是二维(绘画,素描,拼贴,摄影)和/或三维作品(雕塑,陶瓷). After review of their portfolio, we will invite the students for a 15 minute interview.
    • 所获奖项的影印本
    • Applicant essay (maximum of 500 words) detailing your appreciation for art, projects you are currently working on and worked on in the past, and what techniques you would like to explore in the future at Pallotti.


  • 奖学金的信息

    推荐十大靠谱彩票平台很高兴为艺术学院的申请者提供获得本学年戏剧艺术奖学金的机会. This scholarship will follow the students for the four years they are at Pallotti, 前提是他们符合以下资格要求.

    应用, please complete the following application and submit to the Department of 招生, admissions@detrasdelapiel.com, 2024年1月3日. Please note that an audition will be required for final selection. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an audition to be held on January 27, 2024.


    • Students must be enrolled in the Department of 剧院 Arts all four years at Pallotti.
    • Students must be involved in 2 Pallotti productions per school year.
    • 学生必须有2分.5 or higher GPA at the time of application submission and maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA to remain eligible for the scholarship each year.
    • 在我们的网站上提交艺术学院申请.


    • 请记住30秒到1分钟的独白. The monologue can be of your choosing but please no monologues from movies. 或者,你可以 点击这里 选择已提供的独白.
    • Be prepared to have suggestions made to change things and play with the monologue.
    • 请带一份你的独白来试镜.


  • 奖学金的信息

    推荐十大靠谱彩票平台很高兴为艺术学院的申请者提供本学年舞蹈奖学金的机会. This scholarship will follow the students for the four years they are at Pallotti, 前提是他们符合以下资格要求.

    应用, please complete the following application and submit to the Department of 招生, admissions@detrasdelapiel.com, 2024年1月3日. Please note that an audition will be required for final selection. 我们将联系合格的申请者安排面试,面试将于1月20日举行, 2024.


    • 学生必须有至少1年的舞蹈经验.
    • Students must be enrolled in the Department of 跳舞 all four years at Pallotti.
    • 学生必须有2分.5 or higher GPA at the time of application submission and maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA to remain eligible for the scholarship each year.
    • 在我们的网站上提交艺术学院申请.


    • Students must audition in the genres of Modern, Jazz, and Contemporary.
    • 请穿着黑色紧身衣和肉色紧身衣(如果您没有紧身衣或紧身衣), 黑色背心和黑色打底裤).
    • 请带上任何一双芭蕾舞鞋, 爵士鞋, 或结果, and a pair of sneakers (if you do not own some ofthe shoes listed, 这很好).


Students are required to take at least a 1/2 credit in Visual/Performing Arts at 推荐十大靠谱彩票平台. 视觉与表演艺术, there are a wide variety of elective classes that students can choose from.

要查看完整的课程列表和课程描述,请阅读我们的 课程目录.

  • 视觉艺术

    At Pallotti, our Visual Art Department offers courses that explore 2-D and 3-D art forms. 这些课程是为有兴趣通过各种媒介探索艺术创作的学生开设的. Fundamentals of Art allows students to build a base for drawing, painting and 雕塑. This foundation course is the prerequisite for Drawing 1, Painting 1 and Sculpture 1. 在这些课程中(绘画1), 绘画1和雕塑1), 学生深入研究材料, composition and structure while gaining a solid skill set in each principle. 

    The 视觉艺术 Department also offers Digital Photography, Digital Art and Graphic Design. 这些以技术/计算机为基础的课程为学生提供了学习每个原则的强大技能的机会,这些技能可以在他们的其他高中和未来的大学课程中使用.

  • 器乐

    我们的使命是促进对音乐这一通用语言的表达和理解.  Pallotti offers several instrumental music ensembles in which students can participate.  这些课程包括像“音乐会乐队”这样的学分课程, 管乐乐团(包括活力乐队), 开始的字符串, 及弦乐团.  Extra curricular groups include Jazz Ensemble, House Band (worship music), and Drum Line.   

    我们的弦乐部包括我们的弦乐班和我们新推出的弦乐入门班. These classes are for students who currently play or want to learn to play violin, 中提琴, 大提琴, 或者低音提琴. 学生们学习各种各样的弦乐曲目, including classical music from the 17th century to contemporary music, 还有流行音乐和小提琴技巧. 在整个学年中,我们的弦乐项目努力与正规靠谱的彩票app的所有其他主要乐团合作. 

    这些乐团中的音乐家也有机会参加更小的室内乐团,参加各种表演机会,包括弥撒和祈祷仪式, 演出现场管弦乐队, 爵士组合娱乐, 还有其他事件. 

  • 声乐

    声乐有改变生活的力量, 促进和鼓励创造性和艺术性的表达, 并团结各行各业的人,因为他们从事有意义的和衷心的表演. The choral music program is one that upholds diverse musical offerings, 源自欧洲古典音乐, 到当代福音, 听美国流行歌曲和流行歌曲.  所以请加入我们,让我们为所有人制造欢乐的声音!

  • 剧院

    Drama I is offered to anyone who wants to learn more about 剧院 and performance. 学生们将通过一系列的游戏和即兴表演来学习如何创造一个角色以及如何为观众表演. Students will learn about the stage, types of stages, stage directions and blocking. Students will collaborate to create a final staged readers 剧院 performance.

    秋季戏剧对任何想参加的人开放. 学生们将被要求在九月初试演一段简短的背诵独白. 回调将单独举行,不需要任何准备.  9月、10月和11月放学后进行排练,11月中旬进行演出. 这是一个令人兴奋的机会,让学生获得现场戏剧表演的经验.

    春季音乐剧对任何想参加的人开放. 学生将被要求试演一段简短的背诵独白和16小节的背诵, acapella块. This is an exciting way to bring the performance arts together in one place. Students have the opportunity to perform vocal music, instrumental music, acting, and dancing. 视觉艺术 students also have the opportunity for prop design and creation, and set painting.

  • 跳舞

    舞蹈导论是一个学期的课程,向学生介绍各种舞蹈风格的基本元素. 学生学习身体意识,平衡,呼吸,以及特定的舞蹈技巧. 这门课既可以算作艺术学分,也可以算作P.E. 信用,但不能兼而有之.



Keep up to date with our latest events being held within the 美术 Departments

*中突出显示的事件 蓝色的 校外活动*


Fall Play: 12个愤怒的陪审员 November 16, 17, 18 at 7:00 PM; November 18 at 2:00 PM | Pallotti's Sister Lucy Lobby | 剧院


WAMTC乐队节|  12月2日,Time TBA | Our Lady of Good Counsel高中| 器乐

圣诞树点灯仪式暨圣诞合唱音乐会| 12月8日下午6:30 | Pallotti's Sister Lucy Lobby | 声乐

圣诞音乐会| 12月10日下午3:00 |正规靠谱的彩票app体育馆| 器乐舞蹈


秋季舞蹈作品 | 1月18日下午6:00 |正规靠谱的彩票app舞台| 跳舞

Scholarship and 艺术学院 Auditions for Potential Pallotti Students | 1月26-27日|正规靠谱的彩票app高中| 各部门


PG县独奏和合奏节| 2月10日|托马斯·G. 普伦创意与表演艺术学院| 器乐


室内乐独奏会| 3月10日下午3:00 | Pallotti Chapel | 声乐及器乐

春季美展| 3月14日下午4:00 | Pallotti's Sister Lucy Lobby | 视觉艺术

正规靠谱的彩票app春晚| 3月16日下午6:00 | Pallotti体育馆 〇爵士乐团 器乐

PG独奏和合奏节 | 3月23日|地点待定| 声乐


春天的游戏-六:青少年版托比·马洛 & 露西莫斯 | April 11, 12, 13 at 7:00 PM; April 13 at 2:00 PM | Pallotti Stage | 剧院

SIX: TEEN EDITION is presented by special arrangement with Concord Theatricals. www.concordtheatricals.com

春季音乐会| 4月27日晚7:00 | Pallotti体育馆| 声乐/器乐和舞蹈


春节音乐节之旅| 5月4日全天|好时公园| 器乐

音乐盛宴 | 5月6日晚7:00 | Pallotti自助餐厅| 器乐

春舞音乐会  | 5月7日下午6:00 |正规靠谱的彩票app舞台| 跳舞
